Only culturing in the presence of ConA and TGF, as we have previously demonstrated, or culturing with activated Treg cells from FIV+ cats resulted in the expression of GARP, mTGF, and FoxP3, as well as CD25 and TGFRII, on approximately one third of the Th cells. of Treg cells or by anti-TGFRII treatment of Th cells, suggesting that Treg cell recruitment from the Th pool is usually mediated by TGF/TGFRII signaling and that cell-surface GARP plays a major role in this process. Conclusions These findings suggest Th to Treg conversion may initiate a cascade of events that contributes to the maintenance of computer virus reservoirs, progressive Th cell immunosuppression, and the development of immunodeficiency, all of which are central to the pathogenesis of AIDS lentivirus infections. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: FIV, HIV, AIDS, Lentivirus, Treg cells, mTGF, GARP Background Thymus-derived T regulatory (Treg) cells are a distinct populace of immunosuppressive CD4+ lymphocytes identified by constitutive expression of CD25 (IL2-R -chain), GITR, CTLA-4 and the nuclear transcription factor, FoxP3 [1-3]. In addition to the well described Treg cells involved in self-tolerance, a populace of pathogen-induced Treg cells has been described which express biologically active membrane TGF (mTGF) and play a major role in modulating immune responses to a variety of infectious brokers by suppressing pathogen-induced CD4+ and CD8+ effector cells [4-7]. Expression of mTGF on activated Treg cells has recently been shown to be regulated by the glycoprotein A repetitions predominant (GARP) Cysteamine protein which is usually specifically expressed in the lymphoid compartment on regulatory cells and binds latent TGF to the Treg cell membrane [8-13]. Recent evidence has suggested that GARP functions in the conversion of latent TGF to biologically active TGF by enabling the cleavage of the latency associated peptide (LAP) of surface bound TGF by integrins (Wang 2012) [13]. However, it is not clear if this is the solitary mechanism for mTGF activation or if additional interactions occur during GARP:TGF association. We recently reported that TGF is usually anchored to the Treg cell surface by GARP and that GARP-anchored TGF is usually biologically active and capable of suppressing Th cell function [8]. Although there is usually considerable knowledge as to how mTGF+ Treg cells mediate suppression, there is less knowledge of the mechanism(s) that maintain their numbers and function in the peripheral immune compartment and how GARP may be involved. As Treg cells are anergic and exhibit limited Cysteamine ability to expand, there must be other factors maintaining their homeostasis [1,2,14,15]. Chen et al. [16] reported that CD4+CD25- T cells stimulated via their TCR and treated with soluble TGF converted to a Treg cell phenotype, suggesting a mechanism for Th to Treg cell conversion. We previously reported that feline CD4+CD25- Th cells could be converted to a Treg phenotype (CD25+mTGF+FoxP3+) by treatment with ConA and soluble TGF [17]. These converted cells displayed immunosuppressive function against ConA-stimulated CD4+CD25- Th cells, suggesting that they possessed both the functional and phenotypic characteristics of activated Treg cells. To provide a mechanism for Th to Treg conversion, we exhibited that ConA treatment of CD4+CD25- Th cells up-regulates expression of TGFRII on their surface, rendering them susceptible to Treg cell conversion by treatment with soluble TGF [17]. We also reported that anti-TGF receptor II (TGFRII) treatment of ConA-stimulated Th cells abrogated the Th to Treg conversion, supporting a role for TGF/TGFRII signaling in this conversion process [17]. Recent studies indicate that peripheral Treg cells, once activated, Rabbit Polyclonal to Cytochrome P450 4F2 express both mTGF and GARP on their surface and that both molecules are instrumental in Treg cell suppressor function [11,12]. It is not known if this TGF/GARP complex plays a role in recruitment of Treg cells from the Th cell pool but evidence suggests that it may be integral to contact-dependent TGF signaling through TGFRII [11,12]. The in vivo activation of Treg cells and subsequent suppression of CD4+ Th cells has been exhibited in HIV and feline immunodeficiency computer virus (FIV) contamination and likely represents an important component of lentiviral-induced immune suppression [4,5,18-20]. The exact mechanism underlying lentivirus-induced Treg cell activation is still unclear. However, we as well Cysteamine as others have previously exhibited that CD4+CD25+ Treg cells are preferentially infected with FIV and activated during FIV contamination [14,21-23]. Further, we have exhibited that GARP bound mTGF is usually up-regulated around the activated Treg cell surface [8]. Many reports suggest that during the course of lentivirus contamination the percentage of CD4+CD25+.
Only culturing in the presence of ConA and TGF, as we have previously demonstrated, or culturing with activated Treg cells from FIV+ cats resulted in the expression of GARP, mTGF, and FoxP3, as well as CD25 and TGFRII, on approximately one third of the Th cells
Posted in Serotonin (5-HT2A) Receptors.