However, no indicators of improvement were seen and the patient ultimately died. Physicians should be aware of the PML Rabbit polyclonal to DFFA risk under aggressive immunosuppression. antibodies.1 B-cell leukaemia (CLL) is the most common leukaemia happening in adulthood and is considered an indolent malignancy of the lymphoid cells.2 Alemtuzumab is an anti-CD52 monoclonal antibody that causes a marked lymphocytic depletion enduring for several weeks (more pronounced on T lymphocytes). It is now well established in the treatment of refractory lymphoproliferative disorders and in bone marrow transplantation. The association of alemtuzumab and PML is definitely scarce with only a few case reports in the literature of the past decade. Since alemtuzumab had been recently under several encouraging phase III medical tests in multiple sclerosis, 3 4 we found it important to present this case. Clozic To date and to our knowledge, there were no PML instances related to the use of this drug in those studies. Case demonstration A 69-year-old Clozic Caucasian female presented to our neurology outpatient medical center having a 2-weeks progressive history of a right foot drop. She experienced a previous medical history of CLL, at that time on treatment with Alemtuzumab (30?mg alternate days TIW for 12?weeks) and dental prednisolone (20?mg daily). Since the CLL analysis, she had been previously and consecutively treated with chrolambucil+prednisone (5 cycles), fludarabine (7 cycles), COP protocol (cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone, 2 cycles) and human being immunoglobulin G (1 cycle). After a period of about 15?years of disease, she initiated a refractory response to chemotherapy with increasing leukocytosis, and was therefore proposed to begin treatment with alemtuzumab. There were no additional personal or familiar medically relevant conditions. At initial evaluation, the neurological exam was as adopted: patient alert and oriented; no irregular cranial nerves indicators (except for a slight flattened right nasolabial collapse), right foot drop (right foot extension: grade 4-in altered Rankin Level (mRS) meaning active movement against gravity and minor resistance; right plantar flexion: grade 4), diminished right ankle reflex; no sensory, coordination or gait abnormalities. Investigations Initial evaluation having a mind CT scan and lumbosacral MRI was performed and no relevant lesions were found. Nerve conduction studies and LP were also normal. Nonetheless, in the following 3?months the patient also developed dysarthria and there was proximal weakness progression with a right crural paresis (grade 4). Mind MRI showed a bilateral frontal (primarily on the remaining part) parasagittal hyperintensity (number 1A), having a slight cortical gyriform gadolinium enhancement. Another CSF study was undergone with normal cell count, protein, glucose, bad serologies (including HIV) and no evidence of neoplastic cells. The JC computer virus detection by PCR DNA was also bad. Oligoclonal bands were present on CSF (not in serum). Since there was no definitive aetiology, it was decided to perform a mind biopsy, which exposed only reactive astrocytosis (probably due to inadequate specimen). After conversation with the haematologist, alemtuzumab was withdrawn. Yet, the patient worsened in the following months with total right-side haemiplegia and progressive aphasia, as it was demonstrated from the correspondent increase of frontal MRI lesion on a later on imaging (number 1B). A third lumbar puncture was performed and the JC computer virus was recognized by PCR amplification. PML analysis was finally made. Open in a separate window Number?1 (A) Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI Clozic (3?weeks after demonstration): bilateral, frontal parasagittal (mainly left) hiperintensity. (B) Axial FLAIR MRI (5?weeks after demonstration): enlargement of initial parasagittal lesion with greater growth on the left hemisphere. Differential analysis The routine investigation regarding frequent and benign causes of foot drop such as common peroneal palsy was held. There was no history of trauma, surgery treatment, weight loss or frequent implicated habits such as leg crossing. Because of a significant history of leukaemia, it was decided to exclude causes as secondary cerebral involvement or infectious complications. Despite the initial negative results, due to.