A multi-drug regimen is not the ideal solution; however, if not properly treated end organ damage will progress in patients with cardiometabolic syndrome

A multi-drug regimen is not the ideal solution; however, if not properly treated end organ damage will progress in patients with cardiometabolic syndrome. awaits further development. Conclusion Cardiometabolic syndrome is a complex Balsalazide disodium disease that is escalating in the world because of the increase in obesity. An obvious solution for combating this cardiovascular disease would be to decrease caloric intake, burn more calories through exercise and regulate body weight. Unfortunately, this approach has not been effective and the number of obese patients with cardiometabolic syndrome is increasing dramatically. Visceral obesity results in insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. It is now recognized that the release of adipokines and inflammation is a key component to the progression of cardiometabolic syndrome. As a consequence, end organ damage like chronic kidney disease has become a major health issue in patients with cardiometabolic syndrome. The epoxyeicosanids are an interesting therapeutic target for cardiometabolic syndrome because these metabolites have anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory and other cardiovascular protective actions. Expert Opinion Cardiometabolic syndrome is a disease that involves the complex clustering of cardiovascular risk factors with visceral obesity being the central component. This type of disease presents a treatment dilemma for the physician. How do you treat hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes and at the same time treat hypertension? In addition, lifestyle interventional treatment to combat the visceral obesity needs to be started. A multi-drug regimen is not the ideal solution; however, if not properly treated end organ damage will progress in patients with cardiometabolic syndrome. An area that is now being seen as a possible key factor in cardiometabolic syndrome is the release of adipokines from the visceral fat deposits. Therefore, therapeutic approaches that include interventions that are anti-inflammatory could hold Balsalazide disodium significant promise as treatments for cardiometabolic syndrome patients. The development of therapies that can treat a complex disease such as cardiometabolic syndrome is needed in the next five to ten years. An approach that holds the most promise is the development of therapies that can effectively treat more than a single component of cardiometabolic syndrome. One approach would be to develop combinational drugs such that it would treat multiple components. This approach is being tested and may provide promise for the treatment of cardiometabolic syndrome. Telimasartan is an anti-hypertensive angiotensin receptor blocker that was found to have PPAR agonistic activities [104]. Thus, telimasartan can combat hypertension as well as increase insulin sensitivity. Other approaches are being tried with lipid lowering drugs and anti-hypertensive or lipid lowering drugs and insulin-sensitizing drugs. Another approach is to identify therapeutic targets that could affect multiple components of cardiometabolic syndrome. Key inflammatory cytokines and adipokines that have been identified as key mediators of dysfunction in TGFA cardiometabolic syndrome represent therapeutic targets. One such target has been MCP-1 and the CCR2 receptor because of its important role in obesity and end organ damage. The rigorous testing of cytokines and adipokine therapeutic targets has yet to be completed. Another target that can affect Balsalazide disodium multiple components of cardiometabolic syndrome is epoxyeicosanoids utilizing EET analogs and sEH inhibitors. The epoxyeicosanids have anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory and other renal and cardiovascular protective actions. The possible cardiovascular benefits of EET analogs and sEH inhibitors in cardiometabolic syndrome require testing. Overall, the challenge for finding effective.

Posted in Glutamate, Miscellaneous.