1C), were normal in STING-, cGAS-, and MAVS-deficient mice. Open in a separate window Figure 1 Cytosolic DNA and RNA sensing pathways are essential for induction of the TI-2 antibody response(A) Serum NP-specific IgM about day 4.5 post-immunization with NP-Ficoll. apparatus. Specific antibody production is definitely a hallmark of the B cell response to antigens. T-cell dependent (TD) antibody reactions typically elicited by protein antigens require follicular helper T cells for full B cell activation, proliferation, and antibody production. In contrast, T cell-independent (TI) antigens stimulate antibody production in the absence of MHC class II-restricted T cell help. TI antigens include TI type 1 (TI-1) antigens, which participate Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in addition to the BCR, and TI type 2 (TI-2) antigens, which participate the BCR in a manner that induces considerable crosslinking leading to BCR activation and IgM production. TI-2 antigens Lumefantrine are large, multivalent molecules with highly repeated constructions, such as bacterial capsular polysaccharides and viral capsids (1). B cell-intrinsic cytosolic DNA and RNA sensing in the TI-2 antibody response We tested the requirement Lumefantrine for innate immune sensing pathways in the antibody response to the model TI-2 antigen 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetyl-Ficoll (NP-Ficoll) by monitoring anti-NP Lumefantrine IgM in the serum of mice after immunization (2). C57BL/6J mice mounted a strong NP-specific IgM response by day 4.5 post-immunization, which peaked around day 14.5 post-immunization (Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Similarly, mice that could not signal via NLRP3, TLR3, TLR7, TLR9, TLR2, TLR4, CD36, MyD88, TICAM1, IRAK4, all nucleic acid sensing TLRs (mice and mice, deficient in the cytosolic DNA sensing pathway components stimulator of interferon gene (STING) and cGMP-AMP synthase (cGAS), respectively, exhibited suboptimal IgM responses to NP-Ficoll on day 4.5 and for up to 30 days post-immunization (Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Mice lacking MAVS, an adaptor for the cytoplasmic RNA sensing RIG-I-like helicases, also produced diminished amounts of NP-specific IgM (Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Antibody responses to the TI-1 antigen NP-LPS (Fig. 1B), and the T cell-dependent (TD) antigen -galactosidase (gal) encoded by a non-replicating recombinant Semliki Forest computer virus (rSFV) vector (3) (Fig. 1C), were normal in STING-, cGAS-, and MAVS-deficient mice. Open in a separate window Physique 1 Cytosolic DNA and RNA sensing pathways are essential for induction of the TI-2 antibody response(A) Serum NP-specific IgM on day 4.5 post-immunization with NP-Ficoll. (B) Serum NP-specific IgM Lumefantrine on day 4.5 post-immunization with NP-LPS. (C) Serum gal-specific IgG on day 14.5 post-immunization with rSFV-encoded gal. (D) Serum NP-specific IgM on day 4.5 post-immunization of mice adoptively transferred 1 day prior to immunization with splenic and peritoneal B cells from Lumefantrine donor mice of the indicated genotypes. Data points represent individual mice. values were determined by one-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey test; in B and C, no significant difference was found between any mutant genotype and C57BL/6J. Results are representative of 2C3 impartial experiments. We evaluated marginal zone (MZ) and B-1 B cell populations in STING-, cGAS-, and MAVS-deficient mice and found no deficiencies in frequencies or numbers (fig. S2 and supplementary online text), except FZD4 in the NP-specific populations following NP-Ficoll immunization (fig. S3). Also, NP-Ficoll capture by MZ B cells and MZ macrophages was normal in the mutant mice (fig. S4). We performed adoptive transfer of C57BL/6J, STING-, cGAS-, or MAVS-deficient splenic and peritoneal B cells into mice, and immunized recipient mice with NP-Ficoll one day post-transfer. Despite comparable reconstitution of the B cell compartment by donor cells (fig. S5), mice that received STING-, cGAS-, or MAVS-deficient B cells produced diminished amounts of NP-specific IgM on day 4.5 post-immunization compared to mice that received C57BL/6J B cells (Fig. 1D). These data demonstrate that B cell-intrinsic MAVS and cGAS-STING signaling are necessary for antibody responses to TI-2 immunization. B cell activation by cGAMP The DNA sensor cGAS binds to cytosolic DNA and catalyzes the synthesis of cGMP-AMP (cGAMP), a cyclic dinucleotide that binds and activates STING, leading to type I interferon production (4). We found that the presence of DNA in the cytoplasm.